Saturday, May 26, 2007

I haven't been getting any journal entry or comment alerts.


Dr. Craig called me personally Thursday to let me know the results of the Bone Marrow Biopsy. He said when the first biopsy was done it came back showing that I had 3% Leukemia cells in my marrow. That was less than 2 weeks before Dr. Craig did his biopsy and his came back showing that it is now up to 11%.


He said, What that means is that the cancer is mutating at an aggressive rate and we need to get on it as fast as possible. So, he wants me to be in Morgantown on may 30th to admit me and get started on the chemo. If all goes well, I'll be in for 3-4 weeks. God Help Me!


I don't remember doing this and the morphine they gave me might have something to do with me not remembering, but apparently I signed up for some kind of test while I was out there last week because a lady called me yesterday and told me the test came back negative (which is good) and that I'll get $100 in 4 to 6 weeks just for participating. WooHoo!


I wish I could take my computer with me. See, I knew I should have let Robert get me a laptop instead of the desktop. (kicking myself in the butt)


I asked the Dr. if there was anything I could or needed to do before being admitted and he said, Just enjoy your weekend.


Easier said than done.

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