Friday, December 29, 2006

I was reading tonight in a friends journal where she mentions that the man who molested her was now a born again Christian. God forgive me for judging this man or anyone else but I have a real problem with this. Is it just me or have you also noticed that when these men get caught, they suddenly become walk the line Christians?

And how quick they are to tell you that God forgave them so we must forgive them too.

I'm all for giving second chances but I think a lot, actually 99.9 % of these men use God as a way of getting by with it.

I know of one man that started molesting his step daughter at the age of 8. I don't know how long it went on but he wasn't sorry and hadn't stopped doing it until the girl told her Mom and she confronted him. Then he was sorry.

Yea right, sorry he got caught!

Anyway, next thing you know he's "saved" and telling his wife that she has to forgive him. And she did! The daughter grew up, (full of resentment no doubt) got married and had a daughter of her own. The grand baby wasn't allowed in the house if her step grand dad was around so he ended up meeting someone online and left. A 21 year marriage over, just like that.

Now, My question to you is, if you were in love/married/or whatever with a man and you found out that in his past he molested his daughter or someone else's daughter, could you forgive him? Could you live with yourself for forgiving him?

Personally, I don't think I could forgive him just for the fact that I wouldn't be able to let it go. Every time I saw him look at a female child I would wonder if he is secretly lusting after her. I would have so many questions that I know he wouldn't wanna answer. Like, if you had an uncontrollable lust for an 8 year old girl then, how can you not have that same lustful desire now?

And, if you lust for babies how can a grown woman satisfy you? Or, If you couldn't control it then, how are you controlling it now?

It drives me nuts thinking about it. I can only imagine what it would do to me if it ever really happened to me. Thank God I had a son and to my knowledge he hasn't been molested and he is now big enough to kill the SOB stupid enough to try it.

I almost forgot. I wanted to say congratulations to Nelishia and Dirk on their engagement. Dirk, I thank God almost daily for bringing you into Nelishias life. I wish you both lots of love, hugs, laughs, joy, and a life time of happiness and togetherness.

God Bless you both!




Anonymous said...

I couldn't do it, myself.  Statistics have shown that these people will molest again.  I think they use religion as a way to meet children.  Kind of like those priests that have been busted for it in recent years.

Love ya!

Anonymous said...

The family member is about as Christian as my right fake. lying sack of poo.
I say hang the SOB. I could write a book...i should write a book. Sigh.

you are a great friend....i love you to pieces.

Anonymous said...

There is no recovery program for molesters. God forgives but we don't have to forget.  He gives us wisdom too.  You are so articulate in this thought about if he lusts for children how can a woman ever satisfy.  TRUE.  It's evil at it's highest form.  The man that goes that dark into something like that, I truly wonder if his heart is ever able to be tender enough to come to the Lord.  That is a cold dark place.  I have no understanding of his convenient salvation except for an excuse to get by with his behavior.  No appearance of geniune remorse.  YOu are right about it.
THANK YOU FOR MENTIONING US IN THIS JOURNAL.  AND OMG!  OOPS didn't mean to shout, the N.A. graphics are out of this world!  I love, love, love them.

I told DIRK to send you an email so he could read this.  He's sitting here reading it beside me now though.  I hope that's alright this time. lol


Anonymous said...

No, I wouldn't forgive and I sure in the hell wouldn't stay with him.  I'd be reporting his ass and quick, if I didn't kill him first!

Anonymous said...

I would never forgive any instance of wrecking a childs life. I am afraid in my eyes they should not breathe our air. They are a constant danger to children and should be exterminated. I mean it! lol Linda xx