Thursday, February 15, 2007

sharing another email.

As the days of Noah


I am thrilled seeing prophecy in the Word of God showing itself to be true on a daily basis. Years ago Christians believed that the Lord could come at any time. This was due to their knowing that the end times would be as the days of Noah. They looked around at what was happening daily and were sure they were in the last days. But they were wrong. They did not see many of the things come to pass that God said would come to pass in that last generation. The great majority of Bible scholars today do believe that Christ could come any time because of prophecies that have come to pass. We can read our newspapers and watch or listen to the news media and know that we are living in the last days. Unless the Lord tarries for some reason it looks like we are so close to His coming.


Beside Israel becoming a state, we know that it had to be like in the days of Noah. Israel is like a barometer. Israel is the measuring device for the times in which we live. We only have to keep our eyes upon Israel to see how it goes everywhere.


One thing that I have been keeping my eye upon is prophecy, whether true or false.


We can read Matthew 24; Mark 13; and Luke 21 to read what Jesus tells the disciples and us about the signs of the end. In Matthew 13 Jesus is speaking about the parable of the sower and explains the purpose of those parables. In verse 13 Jesus says: Therefore speak I to them in parables: because they seeing, see not; and hearing, they hear not, neither do they understand. 14 And in them is fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah, which saith, By hearing ye shall hear, and shall not understand; and seeing ye shall see, and shall not perceive: 15 for this people's heart is waxed gross (grown callous) and their ears are dull of hearing and their eyes they have closed; lest at any time they should see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and should understand with their heart and should be converted and I should heal them (also in Acts 28:26,27). II Timothy 4:3,4 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts (their own wrong powerful desires) shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; and they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.


We are in that day. Many people are out there in the world and some even in the church that will not listen to the truth of God and His Word any more. They actually prefer listening to the lie instead of the truth. Why? Simply because the lie doesn't ask anything of them. The lie doesn't call for excellence in their lives. The lie doesn't point out sin or warn of death and destruction. The lie soothes their  consciousness and lulls them to sleep. The lie works like a drug that zones people out and away from the truth of God.  They want, desire and lust after what makes them feel good and the lie does just that. The truth warns people about the heavy and terrible cost of heavy drinking, drug abuse, smoking, unprotected sex, adultery, fornication, cheating, stealing, lying, etc., all manifestations of sin.


Recently Slyvia Brown, renowned "psychic" has been under fire from the media for her lying prophecies. She told the parents of the eldest of two kidnapped boys that were recently found and in the news, that their son was dead. She offered to use her psychic abilities to locate the boys body. All for her going rate of course. There were several other predictions of hers that proved to be wrong. In spite of her very flawed track record, people are still flooding her web site, flocking to her seminars, buying her many books and seeking her advice on the Montel Williams Show once a week.


Why? Why are people flocking around this woman? Basically because they have found someone that tells them pretty much want they want to hear. The great majority of what she tells people is comforting to them. Even in the case of this young boy that was kidnapped. The mom and dad had some relief thinking their son was dead and was not in the clutches of some maniac (which he actually was).  Ms. Brown continually tells people how their loved ones that have recently passed away are all in heaven and their life is great. Like they are having one big party. This causes people to feel better because they do not want to believe that there is really a hell out there that sinners end up in. Upon being asked questions she informs people of when they will get married (and to whom), when they will have children (and what gender the child will be) all the way down to what is the "theme" or main mission of their life, and what career should they partake of, and when will it all happen. They seek her advice on the "ghosts" and such they say are in their homes. She teaches people how to get in touch with their psychic abilities and how to nurture them because they are "gifts from God." She explains to people how their family members are all better off where they are now, telling them that there is no such place as hell, there is no devil and there are no demons. Ms. Brown recently told a woman about the "ghosts" in her home and explained that one of them was a young man that really read his Bible all the time and sought the Bible for counsel in how to live his life. She then explained to the audience that people who rely on the Bible like this are fanatics and it is religious fanatics like them that cause so much trouble in the world today. The people applauded very enthusiastically. In one sentence Slyvia placed Christians in the same group as Muslims terrorists.


A young woman that took some photos and had what looked like the number 666 glowing in a red orange color, asked her if this was the devil or a demon. Brown told her that she would say it again that there are no demons and there is no devil. She has explained that this was an invention of Christian ministers to keep people inline by using fear. She went on to explain that the number 666 is not the number of anti-Christ or Satan. She told them all how John wanted to expose Nero, leader of the Roman Empire for being evil. He did not want to write Nero's name so he used 666 instead because that number was actually the address number of where Nero lived. So the number 666 is just a metaphor for evil according to her.  She also put aliens (extra-terrestrials) in among the other stuff and explained how they come here just to check on us and help us (a picture of salvation). My heart breaks for these people that want information and closure on some event in their lives and they are seeking out a false prophet and a liar. They see or hear something that they cannot explain or understand so they go to a psychic because they feel they can trust them.


Like carnival sideshow workers, what people call "carnies," Ms. Brown is well versed in the "tricks of the trade." While speaking to people she works info out of them without their paying any attention to it at all.  She continually plugs her books, her web site and seminars, and her info phone numbers in which anyone can listen to her "inspirational" phone messages or call in for her consultations. She is well trained in what she does and it would not surprise me if she is under the influence of the demonic. Brown appears to be listening to other wordily entities then gives the person the answer to their question. She tells people how to get in touch with their spirit guides and even tells them the name of their "angel." She claims to have these "powers" by the gifting of God and through the Holy Spirit. She is a blasphemer. She tells people exactly what their itching ears want to hear. Their hearts are growing cold towards the one true living God. Another thing that I have mentioned before is her continually trying to bring people into agreement with her. "Do you understand me?"  "Do you know what I am saying?" We are warned in the Word that the things of God and of the devil cannot agree. We are told that we cannot partake of the cup and table of God and the devil. We will belong to one or the other...we will be one or the other...not both!


This is all heading towards real Christians being looked down upon and persecuted because we do not tell them the "truth" and argue with what the psychics tell them. What we have to tell them about Christ and His Word is totally opposite to what they have come to accept and believe. When we speak to people that are ingrained with Satan's lies we must follow what Jesus says in His Word. In Matthew 17:21 Jesus instructs the disciples about casting out a demonic spirit that they could not cure. Jesus said unto them: "Howbeit (however) this kind goeth not out but by prayer or fasting." Prayer and fasting is preparing ourselves and filling ourselves with Christ and obedience to Him.


We as believers in Christ Jesus, must be prepared to do the work of the Lord at a moments notice. We must be ready in season and out of season. These people believe in these false prophets and believe and trust in their prophecies. We need to be living the Christ life, the Christian life, that we can minister Christ to these people that are under Satan's lying influences.  I will close with some very informative Scripture that can help us in this war against evil. Lets remember that our war is not against the flesh. We are not fighting with the Slyvia Browns of the world but with the powers and principalities that are at work powering and using her for their lying agenda.


II Corinthians 6
We are workers together with God, so we beg you: Do not let the grace of God be for nothing. God says, At the right time I heard your prayers. On the day of salvation I helped you. I tell you that the "right time" is now, and the "day of salvation" is now. We do not want anyone to find fault with our work, so nothing we do will be a problem for anyone. But in every way we show we are servants of God: in accepting many hard things, in troubles, in difficulties, and in great problems. We are beaten and thrown into prison. We meet those who become upset with us and start riots. We work hard, and sometimes we get no sleep or food. We show we are servants of God by our pureness, by the Holy Spirit, by true love, by speaking the truth, and by God's power. We use our right living to defend ourselves against everything. Some people honor us, but others blame us. Some people say evil things about us, but others say good things. Some people say we are liars, but we speak the truth. We are not known, but we are well known. We seem to be dying, but we continue to live. We are punished, but we are not killed. We have much sadness, but we are always rejoicing. We are poor, but we are making many people rich in faith. We have nothing, but really we have everything.  You are not the same as those who do not believe. So do not join yourselves to them. Good and bad do not belong together. Light and darkness cannot share together. How can Christ and Belial, the devil, have any agreement? What can a believer have together with an nonbeliever? The temple of God cannot have any agreement with idols, and we are the temple of the living God. As God said: "I will live with them and walk with them. And I will be their God, and they will be My people. Leave those people, and be separate, says the Lord. Touch nothing that is unclean, and I will accept you. I will be your Father, and you will be My sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty."


I always have to ask myself, Where are the Christians while all this garbage goes on? Are their never any Christians in the audience at shows when this type of subject comes up? Where are the believers in Christ when this stuff is talked about? I have had people e-mail me and ask to stop receiving my e-mails over simply preaching and teaching the truth. I have had them ask me why I write about these things. Simply because they need to be exposed and talked about. The light of Christ needs to be shined upon this darkness. I write messages that God by way of the precious Holy Spirit urges me to write. I have made up my mind a long time ago to be obedient no matter what. To say what He gives me no matter what. We must sound the alarm and tell the people the truth no matter what they do to us. These are the last days. Legislation is being promoted all around our nation to pass hate crime bills into law. These laws would prosecute anyone that is accused of a hate crime. A hate crime would be telling someone that they are a sinner and headed for hell. To say homosexuality in wrong and is sin would be a punishable hate crime. To speak out against abortions could be considered a hate crime. We must live up to the example set before us by Jesus Christ...we must be about our Father;s business. Hallelujah! Stand strong my brothers and sisters. Set your faces upon Christ like flint. Set your heart, mind and soul upon Him like rock. Let Him be your everything and He will see you through. Put on the whole armor of God (each piece is an aspect of Christ) and arm yourself with His Word. Glory to God in the highest.

Everlasting Light Ministries



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lahoma, I am not at all religious but I did find this entry very interesting! Linda xx